Chesney plans Sphere residency in Vegas
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Chesney plans Sphere residency in Vegas

Thursday, January 16, 2025 – Kenny Chesney will be heading to Las Vegas for the Live at Sphere residency, he announced Thursday.

Current plans call for a 12-show residency beginning May 22 and ending June 14.

"I'm always looking for ways to deepen the way No Shoes Nation experiences this music," Chesney said. "Over the years, they have shown me through their own response to these songs how passionate they are about what they mean, how these songs are part of their lives. When people give you that much heart, I want to give them even more.

"When we started talking about all of the possibilities playing Sphere offered, I was all in. Just the idea of 4D technology and the impossibly dialed in sound raises the experience for No Shoes Nation, literally immersing them in music, visuals, sound and being together. To me, this is going to be a whole new way of rocking the fans, and I can't wait."

Seating 17,600 people, Sphere is known for its 167,000 individual speakers, which can be dialed in to each section with dazzling specificity, and fully immersive visual capabilities that deliver over 171 million pixels across a 160,000 square foot screen wrapping up, over and around the audience, plus 4D technologies including haptic seats.

"When we started talking, I flew to Vegas with my key tour team. We stood on the floor as they ran the film of U2's show, and we were completely consumed. We could see the band, but it was so much more than that. It almost took what they were doing and multiplied it by another dimension.

"Knowing how much intensity our shows generate, my mind started thinking about all the things we could do. Once you see how the show wraps all the way around you, the dreaming begins."

Kept under wraps for nearly a year, Chesney and his team, along with experts from Sphere Studios' tech and creative teams, have been working to create what will be a new experience in the way his music is experienced.

Tickets go on sale to the general public on Friday, Jan. 31 starting at 10 a.m. Pacific time via

Dates are:
Thursday, May 22
Saturday, May 24
Sunday, May 25
Wednesday, May 28
Friday, May 30
Saturday, May 31
Wednesday, June 4
Friday, June 6
Saturday, June 7
Wednesday, June 11
Friday, June 13
Saturday, June 14

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