Chesney is "Born"
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Chesney is "Born"

Wednesday, January 17, 2024 – Kenny Chesney will release a new album, "Born," on March 29 via Warner Nashville.

"You never want to think it's all about you, or that in this crazy world, it's all about your music," said Chesney. "I'm just trying to find songs that continue the story of who we are - how we live, breathe, work, rock, kick back and sometimes get tangled up in feelings that are anything but simple. Then you see people react the way they have to the news, and you go, 'Well, okay.'"

"I'd already decided on the cover because it was something clean and simple and true. It's the kind of picture that says everything, but leaves plenty of room for everything else. My friend Allister shot it, and it's just me looking straight into No Shoes Nation. When I saw it, it was really the only choice for this record."

"As for the title, well, we're still not quite done deciding what's going on here, but one thing's for sure: 'Born' is absolutely the title track. It's got a lot of heart, a lot of soul, and it speaks the truth about living, life and what we're all doing here. Banjo out front, a great big pocket that rocks back and forth, it feels great. But more importantly, it's a lyric that throws out all the options, never tells you what to do and throws out the one existential truth no matter what you choose: 'one thing's for certain, we've all been living since the day we were born.'"

"Take Her Home" is the lead track.

"Normally, we wait until it's all figured out, the T's are crossed, the I's are dotted," Chesney said. "But everything about this record's been different – from how much time we've spent, the different ways we recorded and wrote and found songs. So, why not let the fans know as we're finishing up? We make this music for them, so, here you go. It's official: 'Born,' March 29 – and you've seen the cover. Now to the final line-up, and maybe getting a couple more out there."

Chesney will support the release with the Sun Goes Down 2024 Tour with 23 stadium plays.

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