Koncert v Praze (In Prague-Live) (Sony Legacy, 2016)
Johnny Cash
Reviewed by Lee Zimmerman
Recorded on-stage in Czechoslovakia in April 1978, - one of two recent reissues by the label of foreign concerts (the other was a Denmark show in December 2015) - finds Cash replaying his classic hits - "Hey Porter," "Ring of Fire," "Big River" - although the set is all inclusive. Cash is in fine form of course, and even when he opts for covers ("City of New Orleans" et. al.), he effectively makes them his own. Cash's gruff vocals contrast sharply with his amiable way with the audience, and when he brings the Statler Brother and old pal Carl Perkins as well - the results are akin to an overdue family reunion. The disc makes for an ideal live compilation encapsulating the best of Cash and company's seminal sound.
CDs by Johnny Cash
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