Randy Montana (Mercury Nashville, 2011)
Randy Montana
Reviewed by Jacquilynne Schlesier
Ain't Much Left of Lovin' You was released last year and inched into the Top 40. A man's broken-hearted rumination on the traces left behind by a broken marriage, it has plenty of details but stops short of being just another endless list song. Assembly Line is firmly in the proud-to-be-a-working-man vein, but rather than the usual glossy view of small town life, it offers a more urban take on a blue collar job. There's gossip, unhappy co-workers and the repetitiveness of doing the same task day after day. And still, you come away with the sense of pride in doing the job.
Burn These Matches isn't a cheating song, rather it's about a man who realizes how easy it would be to start down what would be a hard road. The stand out track is Last Horse, featuring Emmylou Harris on harmonies, and covering the thoughts of a man who is simultaneously trying to save his troubled marriage and protect himself from its end.
This is a strong debut, filled with relatable characters facing problems and coping as well as they can.
CDs by Randy Montana

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