EP (Republic Nashville, 2011)
Sunny Sweeney
Reviewed by Stuart Munro
No question, this is still country music - all five of the songs here are either hurtin', cheatin' or both - but it's been Nashville'd to familiar effect, with guitars screaming more than twanging, and steel guitar relinquishing its dominance to relentless, pounding drums pushed up front in the mix. No question, too, on its own terms this hardly qualifies as ordinary. Sweeney is still writing strong songs - current single From a Table Away and rueful, other-side-of-the-aisle ballad Amy are particularly sharp in the pictures they paint - and it's still Sunny Sweeney singing, even if it's a less twangy-sounding Sweeney. But after hearing what she was capable of on her first record, and how damn good she was at it, this is bound to be a disappointment to anyone who shares the singer's love of that old-school honky-tonk sound.
CDs by Sunny Sweeney
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