Mike Herrera's Tumbledown - Mike Herrera's Tumbledown
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Mike Herrera's Tumbledown (End Sounds, 2009)

Mike Herrera's Tumbledown

Reviewed by Dan MacIntosh

Those familiar with Mike Herrera's work with punk band MxPx may be a little surprised by Tumbledown's country sounds, while those who mostly know the man for his Christian songs might be shocked by all the drinking numbers. But just like Mike Ness (Social Distortion) has done with his solo outings, Herrera has called upon the rebel side of Johnny Cash for his newfound inspiration.

With Butcher Of San Antone, Herrera pulls off a good old murder song, which more than solidifies his Cash-ly inspiration. He also sounds like a younger Jerry Lee Lewis when he resorts to fisticuffs with Came Here to Fight. Although Herrera's pastor may not approve of his motives, Let's Drink resorts to alcohol as a solution for boredom when Herrera admits, "There's nothing else to do here in this town." And while this self-titled work rocks a bit, Tumbledown proves it knows how to handle an acoustic country workout with . I'm Still Here is also mostly acoustic, yet it picks up the pace to hoedown speed.

Herrera will never pass for a country singer, but he at least sings a whole lot better than Ness' semi-melodic croak, which makes Herrera's Miller time a good time all around.

CDs by Mike Herrera's Tumbledown

Mike Herrera's Tumbledown, 2009

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