Roots, Toots n' Hoots Blog
Hank Jr. gets what he deserves
Jeffrey Remz | October 7, 2011
Hank Williams Jr. left ESPN very little wiggle room when he uttered his asinine, shoot-from the-hip comments about President Obama on Monday. The decision to link the president with Adolph Hitler cost Hank Jr. some extremely valuable publicity - the chance to see his familiar "Are you ready for some football?" theme as a prelude to Monday Night Football.
During an interview on Monday, Williams appeared bored even before saying much of anything to the three hosts. In fact, one of them commented that his body language indicated about as much.
It's hard to say what set him off, but he sure had negative words to say about President Obama, particularly referring to his golf outing with House Speaker John Boehner, which he severely criticized. "It'd be like Hitler playing golf with (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu."
He then called the president and Vice President Joe Biden the "enemy" after the hosts gave him the chance to explain his comments.
Williams presumably is well aware of exactly what Hitler did. So, to equate the president and Hitler is insulting to anyone murdered by Hitler including Jews, gays, Gypsies and others. About the only thing President Obama has done when it comes to taking lives (besides Iraq and Afghanistan) was killing terrorists like bin Ladn, and I have a sneaking suspicion the American public is in lock step with those decisions. There is no problem with Williams not being keen on the President or his golf partners, but to be so hair brained and mean spirited defies credulity.
Hank, of course, made like it was his decision to pull the plug. He accused the station of having "stepped on the Toes of The First Amendment Freedom of Speech." The fact of the matter is that ESPN, of course, is a private company, and they can do what they want.
ESPN did not owe it to Williams to let him continue being - at some level anyway - the face of the network.
Williams makes like the station impinged on his freedom of speech. ESPN did not. Williams did, can and will say whatever he wants, but that does not mean his employers have to go along with it.
Williams created his own problem, and now he must live with it. He certainly is outspoken and says what he feels - that's been his MO for a long time.
Next time, Williams ought to think long and hard before he rants and raves and makes a fool out of himself.
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